Histoire du lieu, Historique Château de La Vauguyon, Chronologie - Nouveau projet

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Histoire du Château de La Vauguyon

La Vauguyon qui  s'est aussi appelée ' l'Hôtel d'Orville, la Gaignerie' dépendait de  l'ancienne paroisse de Parilly. Elle groupe face au châteaude Chinon,  sur la rive opposée de la Vienne, à mi-coteau, un ensemble de
constructions d'importance inégale et d'époques différentes.
 La façade principale au nord est composée d'un grand bâtiment du XVème  siècle, élevé d'un étage et d'un comble, éclairé par de hautes lucarnes  à gâbles triangulaire orné de crochets. On remarque des traces de  fresques sur les pignons représentant autant qu'on puisse en juger, des  scènes de tournois.
 La Vauguyon est l'une de ces heureuses demeures dont les archives nous  sont parvenues intactes, classées et mises en dépôt aux  Archives départementales. Elles représentent une masse énorme de  documents:
environ 500  parchemins, 8000 papiers, 22 cahiers, 7 registres, dont le dépouillement  et l'étude nécessiteraient de longues années.Leur inventaire sommaire  permet cependant de compléter la courte notice, consacrée à la Vauguyon  par Carré de Busserolle dans son dictionnaire.
 Les Le Petit furent les premiers seigneurs connus de ce fief, relevant  à foi et hommage lige du château de Chinon.Le Petit, seigneur « de la  Gaignerie » rend aveu pour son hébergement le 26 juin 1398. Jean Le  Petit, écuyer, achète différents biens à Parilly et nous a laissé  son cahier de recettes et dépenses pour l'année 1441. Une inscription en  lettres gothiques dans l'église désaffectée de Parilly nous apprend que:
« L'an mil CCCCLXXIII Gille  Petit, sgr de Vauguion et demoiselle Marguerite de Faye sa femme ont  fait faire ceste chapelle Saint Jean ».
Jehan  Le Petit, seigneur de la Vauguyon, se maria en 1499 et René Le Petit  fut exempté de ban et arrière ban en 1542-1543. Par son mariage,  Françoise Le Petit apporta le domaine à son mari Louis du breuil qui  rend hommage en 1566.
Au XVIIème  siècle, de nombreuses mutations eurent lieu: Claude du Breuil vendit la  châtellenie en 1610 à Etienne Pallu, échevin demeurant paroisse  Saint-Venant. Jean Sénéchal, valet de chambre du cardinal de Richelieu,  est dit en 1639 seigneur de la Vauguyon que François Sénéchal céda vers  1654. Nouvelle vente en 1661 par un sieur Blouin à Pierre Roque de  Varengeville, conseiller du roi secrétaire des commandements, finance et  cabinet de  Monseigneur, frère unique de sa Majesté, duc d'Orléans. Le 20  août de cette année, Pierre Roque procéda
 à un échange avec messieurs les doyens, chanoines et chapitre de  l'église et Sainte chapelle royale de Plessis-lès-Tours. Ces derniers  possédaient les fiefs, terres et seigneuries de Doudeville, le Fresnay,
 Touffreville, la Corbeline, Noaillé, Varenne et Elinsard, sis au pays  de Caux de Normandie. Ces biens furent cédés à Pierre Roque,  chevalier,seigneur de Varengeville qui leur abandonna: la terre et  seigneurie de
la Vauguyon, sis  en la paroisse de parilly et les fiefs de la Mairie et Courchamps avec  leurs appartenances et dépendances. Mais cette transaction pourtant  profitable pour les deux parties, entraîna un long
 procès qui se prolongea plus d'un siècle, entre le chapitre et  PierreRoque d'abord et ses héritiers ensuite.Il ne trouva finalement sa  conclusion que par un arrêt rendu en mars 1787 par la grande chambre
du Parlement.
 Depuis cette acquisition, dans cette seconde moitié du XVIIème siècle,  par le chapitre du Plessis-lès-Tours, le manoir ne fut plus habité que  par les fermiers de la seigneurie dont au hasard des actes on retrouve  presque tous les noms.
 En 1787, la révolution est proche et la Vauguyon est saisie comme bien  national. René Jean Champigny-Clément, négociant à Chinon, paroisse  Saint-Mexme, qui l'avait mise à prix, se la vit adjuger au treizième  feu, le 4 février 1791. Il fut maire de Chinon en 1797 et 1800,  appartint au Conseil des Cinq Cents jusqu'en 1798.Il avait été élu à la  Convention le 6 septembre 1792. Sympathisant montagnard, il vota la mort  du roi considérant «: « que la mort est terrible, mais qu'elle ne  saurait l'être trop pour un tyran ».
 Après la période des Cents Jours où il avait repris la fonction de  maire, il fut contraint de s'exiler en Hollande où il mourut.
 Aux suites des successions, la Vauguyon échoua à Mlle Lemoine qui ne la  garda pas longtemps et la vendit au romancier Gustave Droz en 1880.La  tradition voulant qu'il y ait écrit « Monsieur, Madame et Bébé». La  famille Droz la revendit à la famille des propiétaires actuels en 1937.
(texte tirés de « Vieux logis de Touraine » André MONTOUX)
1390 à Guillaume Le Petit
1432 à Jean Le Petit
1473 à Gilles Le Petit, qui avec son épouse Marguerite de Faye, édifia
une chapelle, dite de La Vauguyon, en l'église Notre Dame de l'Epine à
1544 à René Le Petit
1566 à Louis de Breuil, époux de Françoise Le Petit
1626 à Jacques Bazary, héritier de sa mère Suzanne de Breuil
Une petite inscription, assez lisible, rappelle sur une cheminée les dates de naissance de Jacques, Louis et Suzanne de Breuil.
1654  François Sénéchal achète le domaine à Jacques Bazary, son frère Jean,  Valet de chambre du Cardinal de Richelieu, le cède à Jérôme Blouin, qui à  son tour le vend à Pierre Roque de Varengeville, conseiller du roi,  secrétaire des commandements, maison, finances et cabinet de Monseigneur  le Duc d'Orléans (1661), qui lui-même l'échangera avec les chanoines de  Plessis-les-Tours vers 1750.
1789  à la Révolution, vendu comme bien national, La Vauguyon fut acquise par  René Champigny-Clément, qui appartint à la faction Jacobine. Il vota la  mort de Louis XVI et occupa une place de premierplan. Il fut maire de  Chinon en 1797-1798 et en 1799-1800 ayant accepté de l'être à nouveau en  Mai 1815, il fut exclu,comme régicide de l'amnistie accordée à ceux qui  avaient servi l'empereur pendant les Cent-Jours. Il se vit donc obligé  de quitter le France et mourut à l'étranger.
1844 la  descendante de René Champigny-Clément, Angélina Lemoine en hérita. Très  jeune, elle avait quitté la Touraine, à la suite d'un drame qui fit  beaucoup de bruit.
1880 Gustave Droz, romancier de renom à l'époque, s'en rend acquéreur et entreprend des restaurations.
1924 Le petit fils de Gustave Droz, vendra le château à Mme Liébaut.
1937 Les héritiers de celle-ci le revend aux propriétaires actuels.

The history's Castle of La Vauguyon

The castle of La Vauguyon
From: Vieux logis de Touraine By André MONTOUX

Translation into English: copyright Michael BAYLISS,2002.

La  Vauguyon, which in the past has also been called the “Hotel d’Orville”  and “La Gaignerie”, originally came within the ancient parish of  Parilly. Situated half way up the hillside, facing Chinon Castle on the  opposite bank of the Vienne, it is comprised of a group of buildings of  differing size and from different eras.
The main façade, on the north  side, is composed of a large building dating from the 15th century with  an upper storey and roof. This is lit by high dormer windows with  triangular gables decorated with hook-shaped adornments.

Examination  of the roof timbers with their moulded king-posts and beams leads one  to suppose that they were intended to be viewed from the large room on  the upper floor. The irregular cut of the rafters seems to prove that  the dormer windows were probably a later addition. It is also possible  to make out traces of frescoes on the gable ends which depict, as far as  one can discern, scenes of knightly jousting contests. This large room  was heated by a wide fireplace with semi-cylindrical columns and a  pyramid-shaped hood decorated with a coat of
arms surrounded by a  garland formed of eight circles. An inscription on one of the stones can  easily be read: “Jacques du Breuil was born on the 22nd November, One  Thousand Five Hundred and Sixty-Eight and Suzanne, his sister, on the  12th October, One Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy-One. My second son  was born on the… of … 1574”.

To this principal edifice has been  added a building of lesser height with two massive corbelled turrets  topped by conical stonework. They surround and protect the gateway, a  broken arch surmounted by a mullioned window and a dormer resting on  several machicolated corbels. The gateway gives onto a corridor which in  turn leads to a vast interior courtyard, on the southern side of which  is a retaining wall against the land on the overhanging hillside. This  wall is pierced with galleries used as storage sheds.

On the  western side, there is an ancient cylindrical stone dovecot. It has  walls four feet thick, topped with a polygonal lantern roof, and has  been converted into a dwelling. In the 19th century, a small building  was constructed next to it. This is decorated with a corbelled turret, a  large double-mullioned window and a
doorway with a carved decoration  surmounted by a finial. [Translator’s note: this is a copy of the one  to be found above the doorway in the parish church of Parilly]. The  building stands opposite a square tower pierced with arrow-slits rounded  out at the base to permit the use of firearms. A similar tower protects  the north-east angle of the château. On the outside, it has a kind of  crenellation that overhangs the postern gate, which is open at the base  and flanks the great gateway with a broken arch. Near the latter is a  fountain dating back to 1641,
flowing unceasingly into a basin. The  water for this is piped from a capped spring in the park, the conduits  being laid out successively via a series of inspection wells covered by  small towers. [Translator’s note: these conduits have more recently been  abandoned and replaced by modern pipework.]

On the hillside near  the château, a second circular dovecot is to be be found. The  pigeon-holes are still in place, but the roof is in poor condition and  has partially collapsed. [Translator’s note: the collapse is now total.]  La Vauguyon is a dwelling whose archives have fortunately come down to  us intact. They were donated by M. Droz in 1962 to the society of “Amis  du Vieux Chinon”, who classified them before handing them over to the  Archives of the Indre et Loire Département (1). They represent an  enormous number of documents – some 500 parchments, 8,000 papers, 22  notebooks and 7 registers, the analysis of which would necessitate years  of work. Nevertheless, the summary inventory allowed Carré de  Busserolle to compile the short article about La Vauguyon in his  dictionary (2).

The Le Petit family were the first-known lords of  the fiefdom, paying homage to Chinon Castle. Gilleaume Le Petit, Lord  of “La Gaignerie”, took his oath upon taking up residence on 26th June  1398. Jean Le Petit, Esquire, bought various properties in Parilly and  has left to us his account book of income and expenditure for the year  1441. An inscription in gothic lettering in the deconsecrated church of  Parilly tells us that: “in the year One Thousand
CCCCLXXIII (1473),  Gille Petit, Lord of Vauguyon, and Lady Marguerite de Faye, his wife,  had this chapel of Saint John constructed” (4). The marriage of Jehan Le  Petit, Lord of La Vauguyon, took place in 1499 and, in 1542-43, René Le  Petit was exempted from the “ban et arrière-ban” (the feudal duty of a  lord of the manor towards his liege lord to provide persons for military  service in time of war). Through her marriage, Françoise Le Petit  transferred the domain to Louis du Breuil, who paid homage upon assuming  the lordship of the manor in 1566. It was evidently she who carved the  previously-mentioned inscription on the fireplace.

In the 17th  century, there were numerous transfers. Claude du Breuil sold the rights  of the manor in 1610 to Etienne Pallu, alderman of the parish of  Saint-Venant (5). Jean Sénéchal, the valet de chambre of Cardinal  Richelieu, was said to be Lord of La Vauguyon in 1639 – a title given up  by Francois Sénéchal in 1654.
There was a new sale in 1661 by one  “Sieur Blouin” to Pierre Roque de Varengeville, “King’s Councillor and  Secretary of the Ordinances, Finance and Cabinet of Monseigneur, the  Duke of Orleans, only brother of His Majesty”.
On 20th August of the  same year, Pierre Roque entered into an exchange with the Deans, Canons  and Chapter of the Church and Holy Royal Chapel of Plessis-lès-Tours.  The latter owned the “fiefdoms, lands and lordships of the manors of  Doudeville, Le Fresnay, Touffreville, La Corbeline, Noaillé, Varenne and  Elinsard,
situate in the Pays de Caux in Normandy”, stated to be  “some 80 leagues distant”. All these rights and properties were ceded to  “Pierre Roque, Knight, Lord of Varengeville”, who gave over to them in  exchange “the land and lordship of the manor of La Vauguyon, situate in  the parish of Parilly, and the fiefdoms of La Mairie and Courchamps,  together with all dependencies thereto appertaining” (6). But this  transaction, however profitable it may have seemed at the time to the  two parties, led to a long legal dispute that lasted for more than a  century,
originally between the Chapter and Pierre Roque and then  with his heirs. It was only finally ended by a decree of 28th March 1787  made by the Grand Chamber of Parliament.

Following this  acquisition by the Chapter of Plessis-lès-Tours in the second half of  the 17th century, the manor was only lived in by the tenant farmers.  Because of the legal documents, it is possible to trace nearly all of  their names, beginning with Pierre Andault in 1676 and Claude Daguindeau  from 1685 to 1709. On 24th
June 1709, François Lecomte and his wife  signed a lease for nine years in consideration of “1,500 pounds payable  in gold and silver coin and not by banknote” (7). They were followed in  1724 by Lady Lemaitre with her son Louis, who was still there in 1751.  They were then replaced by Armand Chesnon and Catherine Coquard. Pierre  Dechartre and his wife Marie Percheux of the parish of Parilly succeeded  them from 1765 to 1786. In the following year, Louis Michau took over –  but the Revolution was coming and, as La Vauguyon belonged to the  Chapter of Plessis-lès-Tours, it was confiscated to become a property of  the nation.

René Jean Champigny-Clément, a broker at Chinon, in  the parish of Saint Mexme, offered £74,861 for it but it was valued on  4th February 1791 at £100,100, payable over twelve years. He immediately  paid over the sum of
£12,327 in promissory notes and his debt was  redeemed by 1813, by which time he had paid out a total of 131,327  francs. René Champigny-Clément, Mayor of Chinon in 1797 and again in  1800, was a member of the Conseil des Cinq Cent (Council of the Five  Hundred) until 1798. He had been elected to the Convention on the 6th  September 1792 by 226 votes out of the 429 cast (8). A sympathiser of la  Montagne (the French Revolutionary extremist party), he voted for the  death of the king “given that death is a terrible thing but that it  cannot be too much so for a tyrant” (9). After the “Hundred Days”,  during which he resumed his functions as mayor, he was forced to go into  exile and died at Sloten in Holland.

The heirs of  Champigny-Clément nevertheless continued to farm at La Vauguyon which,  after various successions and partitionings in 1834 and 1844, was  inherited in 1874 by Mlle. Lemoine, the protagonist in the dreadful  “Lemoine affair” which so disturbed the calm of the Chinon countryside  in 1859 (10).
Angélina Lemoine only kept La Vauguyon for a short  while as, on 12th December 1880, she sold the property to the novelist  Gustave Droz, who stayed there frequently. Local tradition says it was  here that he wrote Monsieur, Madame et Bébé, but this is rather unlikely  as the book was published in 1866 (11). The Droz family owned La  Vauguyon until about 1925, and on 6th August 1937 it was acquired by the  current proprietor, who maintains it with perfect care.
[Translator’s note: it is now owned by his son, M. Célian Duthu.]
Although  the château is not open to visitors, its façade can be admired at  leisure from the country lane that runs along the front of the property.

(1) Bulletin of the Amis du Vieux Chinon (1962-63) p. 366

(2) Dictionary of the Indre et Loire, Carré de Busserolle, Vol. 6, p. 369

(3) Archives of the Indre et Loire Département, 13 J 34

(4) Bulletin of the Amis du Vieux Chinon (1914) p. 372

(5) Archives of the Indre et Loire Département, 13 J 1

(6) Archives of the Indre et Loire Département, 13 J 31

(7) Archives of the Indre et Loire Département, G 323

(8) La Révolution en Touraine, Fave, p. 107

(9) Sire, ils on voté pour la mort, Arthur Comte, pp. 58 & 309

(10) Angélina Lemoine had had a child by Jean Félis, her parents’ coachman.

Her mother killed the baby and then burnt its body at their house at Givray,

Cravant,  during the night of 29th/30th July 1859. Angélina was acquitted but  Mme. Lemoine was sentenced to twenty years' imprisonment, dying insane  in Rennes prison on 2nd March 1870.

The “Lemoine affair” was the subject of a television film some years ago.

(11) Ancient Dwellings in Touraine, J-M Rougé, p. 280


1350 or 1360 La Vauguyon is first constructed.

1398 Guilleaume LE PETIT is Lord of “La Gaignierie”, as La Vauguyon was then known.

1429 Joan of Arc is at Chinon on 25th February 1429 – she is believed to have visited La Vauguyon.

1432 Jehan LE PETIT is lord of the manor.

1473  Gilles LE PETIT is lord of the manor and, with his wife Marguerite DE  FAYE, builds the Chapel of St John, also named “Chapel of Notre Dame of  La Vauguyon”, at Parilly.

1534 Rabelais  publishes his famous work Gargantua in which he depicts the ictitious  war against Picrochole, King of Lerné, the entire action of which takes  lace in the local Chinon area. In Chapter 34, we read the following:  “Gargantua, ho had left Paris, …arrived at Parilly, where he was  informed by Farmer de oguet that Picrochole had taken La Roche  Clermault… But Ponocrates Gargantua’s tutor and counsellor] advised that  they should betake themselves to he Lord of La Vauguyon, who had at all  times been their friend and ally, and by hom they would be better  advised on all matters. Which they did immediately, nd found him minded  to assist them. He was of the opinion that he should send ne of his men  to reconnoitre the land and see what state the enemy were in…”
One of Gargantua’s company then sets off, accompanied by “Prélinguande, an squire of Vauguyon.”

1542-3  René LE PETIT is exempted from the “ban et arrière ban” (the feudal uty  of a lord of the manor towards his               liege lord to provide  persons for military ervice in time of war).

1566 Louis DU BREUIL acquires La Vauguyon upon his marriage to Françoise LE PETIT.

1568  A carved inscription in the château notes the birth of Jacques DU  BREUIL, followed by that of his sister,       Suzanne, in 1571 and  brother, Louis, in 1574.

1610 Etienne PALLU, alderman of the parish of Saint Venant, purchases anorial rights from Claude DU BREUIL.

1626 Jacques BAZARY inherits the property from his mother, Suzanne DU REUIL.

1639 Jean SÉNÉCHAL, valet de chambre of Cardinal Richelieu, is said to be the Lord of La Vauguyon.

1654 François SÉNÉCHAL, brother of Jean, cedes the title to Jerôme BLOUIN.

1661  Pierre ROQUE DE VARENGEVILLE purchases the title from BLOUIN – ROQUE DE  VARENGEVILLE then       exchanges La Vauguyon for other land and  properties with the Deans, Canons & Chapter of Plessis-lès-Tours,  who become the new owners.

1676 - 1789 to The property is occupied by tenant farmers who lease it from the chapter of Plessis-lès-Tours.

1789  The French Revolution takes place – La Vauguyon is confiscated as  national property and ultimately sold to           René-Jean  CHAMPIGNY-CLÉMENT, politician and Mayor of Chinon in 1797-98, 1799-1800,  and (briefly) in May
        1815. He was then exiled as one of the  ‘regicides’ (having voted for the death of the king) and died in                  Holland.

1815-1874 The heirs of CHAMPIGNY-CLÉMENT continue to farm the estate.

1874 Angélina LEMOINE, at the centre of the notorious “Lemoine affair” of 1859, inherits the property.

1880 The property is sold by Mlle. LEMOINE to Gustave DROZ, the novelist, who undertakes considerable        restoration.

1924 The grandson of DROZ sells to Mme. LIEBAUT.

1937 The heirs of Mme. LIEBAUT sell to MRS. ZAPPA DUTHU, whose son is now the proprietor.

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